Monday, July 30, 2007

Sky Writing

Two weeks ago we did a wedding for a beautiful bride who shortly after getting engaged lost her father. It was such an amazing year working with this family as they planned for her wedding even though they had experienced such loss. I have never met a more grateful, loving and giving family.

On her wedding day, just as the officiant pronounced them husband and wife a sky writer came and drew two hearts. This was a complete surprise to the family, groom and all of the guests, except the Bride. She had no doubt that this was her fathers doing. She knew this was his way of sending his love on her wedding.

After doing a bit of research I discovered that the sky writer had actually been hired by someone for a couple getting married down the street, but the incredible part was that apparently both weddings ended at the exact time and no one will ever know that it was not intended for my Bride.

I know that God works in mysterious ways, and there is no doubt in my mind that He wanted to give my bride a little kiss on her wedding day and in a roundabout way gave her this precious gift.

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

I have tears in my eyes...thanks for sharing that story! I was coming out of MV mall at that time and could see the heart from there!
What a great story!!